How Chinese translation helped with the sale of an enormous amber collection

In August 2020, the Danish auction house was faced with an extensive task., the largest auction house in Northern Europe, was responsible for handling the sale of more than 288,000 objects from the bankruptcy estate House Of Amber. This collection, amongst other things, included the world’s biggest piece of amber weighing 47.5 kg. Read about how Diction helped Lauritz sell the collection here.

One happy Amber

The Chinese market for buying amber has been growing with a particular focus on Scandinavia. That is why approached Diction for translation of marketing texts and press releases of the amber auctions from Danish to English and Chinese. The material was translated, and the sale of the collection which had an estimated value at around DKK 160 million commenced. We have previously performed other, more extensive jobs for Lauritz, but we have a special appreciation for this job as it displays several aspects of Diction as a company.

At Diction, we attempt to understand the purpose with, and the story behind, the translation we are working on. This improves the quality of the translation as the phrasing and tone of the text will be targeted at the potential reader of the text. An example is how a professional Chinese translation helped in targeting a specific market. A great translation can provide the possibility of both increased sales and brand value for companies in new markets.

Translation opens doors and new markets

Diction works with translators in hundreds of different language combinations, and that is why there is (almost) no limit as to which language we can translate into. The same flexibility is apparent in the format of the material we translate. We operate with total flexibility in format – we have translated everything from posters to juridical texts as well as to almost all industries.

Diction’s CEO, Martin Boberg, adds: “As the translation for shows, we at Diction are very committed to preserving the history behind the material we are translating, and we are always ready to help companies in industries where this is necessary. We have extensive experience in translating for companies in the art and auction industries like”

If you want to know more about our prices and how we can help you with translation, you can contact us or receive a free quote here.

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Asiakkaiden kertomaa

Olemme usein hyödyntäneet Dictionia ja vastaanottaneet käännöksiä teknisistä teksteistä, jotka vaativat ymmärrystä rakennustekniikan terminologiasta. Saamamme käännökset ovat aina olleet täsmällisiä ja laadukkaita. Lisäksi hinta on ollut erittäin kohtuullinen.
Alexander Wulff
Alexander Wulff
Käytämme Dictionin palveluja muun muassa tuotetekstien kääntämisessä useille eri skandinaavisille kielille. Toimitus on nopea, käännökset ovat täsmällisiä ja prosessi on hyvin joustava. Haittaa ei ole siitäkään, että hinta on kilpailukykyisin näkemämme.
Christian Birksø
Christian Birksø
Miten se koristelupursotin käännetäänkään ruotsiksi? Tai mitä sitä turhaa miettimään - kysytäänpä Dictionilta, jossa erikoissanasto on hallinnassa. Myös nopeus on valttia tuotetekstien toimittamisessa asiakkaillemme. Tässä Dictionin käännöspalvelu on loistanut. Samoin kuin hintavertailuissa. Kaiken kaikkiaan näppärä käännöstoimisto tämä Diction.
Katri Odai
Mastermark Brands Oy


Diction Finland Oy
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00120 Helsinki
+358 9 4245 1339
Y-tunnus: 3293832-7
EAN: 5797200064202
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